
Fun, stylish, and comfortable pants made from recycled t-shirts

I'm Ava Ronning.
The basics:
A senior Fine Arts major at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in NYC.
I LOVE sewing! My love of sewing started in elementary school when I took sewing classes at a children's sewing studio called Jemz. It was reignited when I began interning at a sewing school last year called Fashion Squad.
When I’m not sewing or painting, I’m watching Modern Family for the millionth time, walking to Dunkin' to get my coffee (medium iced latte with oat milk and vanilla), or going thrifting with my friends. I don’t know when or how, but for some reason, Modern Family is my current obsession. I cannot stop watching it; miraculously, I’m not sick of it. I also cry every single time I finish the series, even though it's nothing new. Every. Single. Time.
Now back to my love of Dunkin' Donuts. It is in fact, my second home. The workers at my two regular spots in the city have memorized my order, and we are on a first-name basis. That’s how often I’m in a Dunkin'.
And of course, my third love ... thrifting. I live and breathe thrifting. I’ve thrifted so often that my entire wardrobe is now filled with so many miscellaneous clothes from random brands.
Oh, and to answer the question almost every adult asks: “What do you want to major in at college?” the answer is psychology! I have always had a passion for psychology, and am curious about how the brain works. My ideal situation when I’m an adult would be to be a therapist and own a cute boutique. My shop would have clothes I designed, along with cute knick knacks curated by my dad (an artist). Obviously, because we both have exquisite taste. ;)
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At Stick&Poke by Ava, my mission is to show the world that sustainable fashion has no limits and the potential to create fun and earth friendly pieces exists within each of our imaginations.
I specialize in limited quantity, one-of-a-kind, handmade pieces from recycled materials.
Each pair of pants comprises 16 panels of various recycled t-shirts and fabrics that I hand thrift. Each panel is hand cut and then sewn together to create the front and back legs of the pant. From there, the panels are sewn onto an additional lining.
Why the additional lining? I wanted these pants to be more than just at-home lounging pants. My goal is for people to wear these pants out in the world, and by adding another layer of fabric, I’m creating a more sturdy, wearable, and structured garment. Lastly, ribbing and elastic are added to the waist with a drawstring because I love that look.
My pants can be worn anyplace, anywhere, dressed up or down. I drop small batches at a time, ensuring that all of my creations will be worn and enjoyed, minimizing excess and limiting waste.
Short answer: At the beginning of our sophomore year, my friend and I impulsively decided to give each other matching stick and pokes.
Still short, but a little longer - One fall Friday evening, I went to my friend's house in Williamsburg. We stopped by a local arts and crafts store and bought black ink that the internet assured us was skin/tattoo safe. So, we grabbed a needle out of her mom's sewing kit and gave each other smiley and frowny face tattoos. Before getting the stick and poke, I had convinced myself I'd be able to keep it to myself, but as it turned out, I caved! I told my parents 24 hours later. Instead of yelling at me, my parents and I had a conversation. It was a very positive defining moment in my life and our relationship.

I love oversized t-shirts with fun graphic designs. Whenever I go to thrift stores, I seek silly, graphic tees to add to my collection. I wondered, “why should I limit my love of fun graphic designs to one article of clothing?” I wanted to extend this love to another so I took the t-shirt graphics and sewed them onto pants to join the two together.
Cause why not?